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Thread: .vdi install of Ubuntu in Vbox; Can one use the live cd to install a Clonzilla copy


thinking of scenarios explore different configurations of ubuntu/xubuntu in vbox. if put clonezilla copy of /home partition, on partition "play with"; use during manual installs of live cd installs of .vdis' in vbox? if so, configure , try (new me, coding), hearts' content , not break important, on real install , /home partition.

have backup copy of /home partition, on drive, in case think suggest too!

edit: mean is, bring forward /home partition made clonezilla, during live cd install of u/xubuntu .vdi.

i'm off bed, please respond if can.


little bit confused, trying to

a) copy /home partition .vdi
b) mount /home partiton .vdi?

option a, think may clonezilla guide - i'd recommend setting virtual machine vhd tho - may better compatibility.

fo b need edit /etc/fstab auto mount partition on network - basic intro fstab here

copy info want virtual machine - after can read host data anyway should want else... it's lot easier

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] .vdi install of Ubuntu in Vbox; Can one use the live cd to install a Clonzilla copy



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