Thread: Virtual Machine
i wanting dump windows have few strings attached it. being in army need run program called pureedge, lot of things in ms office (i know open office , libreoffice compatibility issues there) , have iphone using itunes must keep date. being said have done looking around , found web site:
unfortunately ubuntu 9.04, know of site put in type of dummy format set ubuntu 11.10?
since have 64bit version of ubuntu need use 64bit version of windows? (i have access 64bit xp pro , 32bit xp pro corporate(both licensed , legal)so if 1 better on virtual machine please let me know.
once run virtual machine in ubuntu autoplay settings work according machine i'm operation @ time? if i'm using xp in itunes , plug in iphone operate in windows instead of mounting in ubuntu?
known issues or problems of have had solutions helpful
in advanced guys.
my suggestion dual boot. save lot of trouble, worries , hassle. plus, depending on specs, vm laggy. besides, when dual booting, ubuntu default system, , if need run programs boot windows. run better anyway.
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