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Thread: My system keeps freezing up...


i'm running kubuntu 10.04.2 , system keeps freezing. seems happen when i'm using firefox. i'm not sure if it's because of number of tabs, although i'm used running 3 or 4 @ once, having 1 or 2 open seems produce same result intermittently. in case, system freezes , can't perform actions aside moving around cursor. no matter how long leave sitting, never catches , resumes functioning, , end having force-reboot.

other things i've been noticing may possibly relevant:

  • i've installed kde desktop , uninstalled gnome. however, upon trying re-install gnome, message saying there problem package dependencies , action couldn't performed.
  • booting computer shows me kind of warped plymouth theme, consists of default purple ubuntu plymouth between 2 screwy-looking jolts of display lots of static , jagged white bars across screen.
  • i had os reinstall earlier because of seemed memory problem. ubuntu/kubuntu kept forgetting installed applications (but keeping saved data them @ same time) , requiring me re-install applications. dolphin crashing whenever tried use right-click , system's stability seemed irreversibly deteriorating. didn't know else wipe clean , start over.
  • i'm using default noveau driver instead of recommended proprietary graphics driver computer, since proprietary makes screen screwy , chopped up. default driver won't let me in way of desktop effects, @ least it's better left , right halves of display being switched 1 another. don't know graphics card or drivers have this, thought worth listing in case might indicate related.
  • the computer on i'm running ubuntu/kubuntu sony vaio 64-bit architecture. i've been warned vaio more or less no place run linux, after i'd bought i'm trying make best of it.

if can help, i'd appreciate it. ditched windows because couldn't deal anymore, i'm starting learn computer programming , don't feel can fix on own.

reading, , responding if do.

quote posted valkyr333 view post

i'm running kubuntu 10.04.2 , system keeps freezing. seems happen when i'm using firefox. i'm not sure if it's because of number of tabs, although i'm used running 3 or 4 @ once, having 1 or 2 open seems produce same result intermittently. in case, system freezes , can't perform actions aside moving around cursor. no matter how long leave sitting, never catches , resumes functioning, , end having force-reboot.
when have performance issues, first step use diagnose throughly clean out system:

, install , use htop monitor apps running , if seem causing issues , go there. , keep eye on logs.

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