this task present , make example:
to register participation in tv program. user clicks on menu item register , registration form. here relevant information person stated. in addition, hin register various code words 6 different quizzes, shows qualified participate. when information entered code words, user should "receipt" proof hin registered. there simultaneous acknowledgment. if there gaps in padding, message appropriate sound (eg horns / flush audio / sauebrek etc). receipts include graphical bar shows percentage correct hin have. ie user has typed in correct, "receipt" show partly means of positive sound bar shows 100% correct , textual message hin registered , eligible considered program. if user not enter correct password, , appear on "receipt", partly through different sound (negative), written notice wrong , graphical bar shows percentage correct hin had - eg, 50% of 100%.
you can find these 6 "code words." mission make registration form includes
have done before?
thanks help
what array have described? problem having this? show code have far. if problem have no code nor idea how create this, should consider hiring you.
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