Thread: main user not longer admin? (laguaje support not starting)
hi guys, im running ubuntu 11.10 x64.
after installed virtualbox, had user vboxusers group have more privileges on running virtual machines..
when tried to that, didn't used "-a" option, added myself vboxusers group, , deleted myself other group.. (yes know.. lame.. )
fix things booting on live again , modifying /etc/groups file.. added myself on same groups think (i used other box use reference)...
realized cant launch language support user.. first didn't work (start/launch).. tried on console see error display, it:
$ gnome-language-selector
traceback (most recent call last):
file "/usr/bin/gnome-language-selector", line 27, in <module>
file "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/languageselector/gtk/", line 141, in __init__
grp.getgrnam("admin")[2] in os.getgroups())
keyerror: 'getgrnam(): name not found: admin'
cant understand whats going on here..
can start language support console if "sudo" (sudo gnome-language-selector")..
user on same user groups other reference box (on wich can launch language support without issues)..
so, can or should fix it.. ?
this strange since gnome-language-selector should able run user. ls -l shows:
code:ls -l /usr/bin/gnome-language-selectorso in end shouldn't matter group belong to. check permission of gnome-language-selector.-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 871 2011-05-25 04:09 /usr/bin/gnome-language-selector
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