Aliasing of Static Images

i filmed presentation of content slides scanned old books , catalogs.  improve viewability took presenter's powerpoints, wrote them .pdf , individually scaled them in photoshop.  went each slide , saved individual images separate images (he had them in .jpeg stuck that).  didn't bad inside premiere once export .mp4 old images lots of lines tend crawl , quite distracting.  did little test video on first slide:


anyone know best way stop before jump editing.   don't have access original documents--just scans embedded in slides.  since there 80 slides hoping suggestion won't "rescale 80+ slides."


thanks suggestions.

i suspect may have resampled images using photoshop's default "bicubic automatic", applies egregious amount of sharpening during downsampling.


i suggest changing default resampling plain "bicubic" , trying again.  bicubic resampling better not making artifacts.



More discussions in Photoshop General Discussion



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