Configurator 3 Panels Cause Issue in Photoshop CS6 for Windows 8
i've come across issue in windows 8 when creating panels configurator 3 photoshop cs6. hope there solution.
after create , install panel configurator 3 photoshop cs6, working on windows 8 machine, speed of clicking on , selecting layers in layers panel quite delayed, point of seconds. disruptive , impedes smooth workflow entirely. in further detail, when panel , running, , click on layer in layers panel, or multiple layers, or try switch between layers, response terribly lagging , slow, , layers aren't instantly selected before.
please note, i'm getting same issue on 2 different windows 8 machines photoshop cs6 panel create in configurator 3. i'm getting issue on panel didn't create, example, html sample panel adobe, downloaded adobe exchange panel.
i've tested creating panel on mac , installing .zxp file on windows machines, same result. note, not happening in cs5 panels created in configurator 3 using windoes 8, , it's not happening on mac cs6, using same panels. not happening on windows 7 machine. appears issue windows 8 , cs6 , configurator 3.
if close out extension's panel tab, , restart photoshop, normal, open extension again, it's delayed interface. and, if don't close panel , restart, issue not go away.
please let me know if you've come across , if there solution. hope or adobe can help.
thank you.
i can confirm this, have exact same issue panels created ps cs6 on win 7 machine causing delays on layer select on ps cs6 on win 8. im going rebuild them in configurator 4 see if problem persists...
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