Choose which article to embed in an article by todays's date - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have set of pages, 1 each day of year, each of has descriptive intro, read more marker , page of text. i've given each of pages date title - january 1, january 2 etc.

i want embed directive homepage homepage displays intro of 1 of these special pages embedded, along read more button display whole embedded page.

i've installed extension 'articlesanywhere' works single instruction such as...

{article january 1}[introtext] [readmore text="read"]{/article}

but cannot come scheme automatically change name january 1 in instruction correspond actual date on page accessed.

can 1 help. i'm open work required - changing article names, etc.

ed form

if want use articlesanywhere must change it's code (bad solution) or make simple system plugin replace special string **d** current month + day. plugin must fired before articlesanywhere.
so in text must be
{article **d**}[introtext] [readmore text="read"]{/article}

another solution - take simple news module , change mysql query take article selected category current date.


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