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Thread: Unresponsive touchpad

hi all. there has been issue affecting several people on last few months in mouse or touchpad spontaneously becomes unresponsive. cursor still move, cannot click on anything.

thread ( , others resolve issue unplugging usb mouse , plugging in different usb port. problem occurs touchpad cannot unplug.

know how can reassign touchpad port, or mimic unplugging/replugging solution people have used usb mice?

also, insight root cause of issue appreciated. guess must kernel problem. using updated ubuntu 10.10 i've had same issue on arch linux well, , on gnome, xfce, , xmonad.

turn off 'disable trackpad while typing' worked me on hp pavilion dm1-3200sa issue.

failing that:

log tty
sudo rmmod psmouse
sudo modprobe psmouse

it's not elegant solution.

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