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Thread: Setting up networking in qemu (kvm) guest


have problem getting network connected on winxp guest. have computer network being assigned dhcp on eth0. now, copied following script:

#!/bin/sh  #  # script bring tun device in qemu in bridged mode # first parameter name of tap device (e.g. tap0) # # constants specific local host - change suit host # eth0ip=xx.xx.xx.xx gateway=xx.xx.xx.xx broadcast=xx.xx.xx.xx # # first take eth0 down, bring ip  # /sbin/ifdown eth0 /sbin/ifconfig eth0 promisc # # bring tap device (name specified first argument, qemu) # /usr/sbin/openvpn --mktun --dev $1 --user `id -un` --lladdr 00:02:44:30:17:17 /sbin/ifconfig $1 promisc # # create bridge between eth0 , tap device # /usr/sbin/brctl addbr br0 /usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 eth0 /usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 $1 #  # single bridge loops not possible, turn off spanning tree protoco                                              l # /usr/sbin/brctl stp br0 off  #  # bring bridge eth0ip , add default route  # /sbin/ifconfig br0 $eth0ip netmask broadcast $broadcast /sbin/route add default gw $gateway
the values eth0ip, gateway , broadcast obtained ifconfig , route -n commands. start vm guest following command:

kvm -m 700 -boot c -hda /media/disk/winxp.qcow -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no
as can see, assign same mac address guest on host (that is, because isp delivers connection upon correct mac address).
nevertheless, guest doesn't make connection. stucked on windows activation screen, tries automatically establish connection. tried command:

kvm -m 700 -boot c -hda /media/disk/winxp.qcow -net nic,macaddr=00:02:44:30:17:17 -net user
but does't help. can give me advice? can't configure connection on guest, because can't login before haven't activated windows.

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