Is RH8 Compatible with Windows 8
rh8 / rsc 3.1 / windows xp is rh8 compatible windows 8? we have been looking @ new machines windows 8, , upgrading rh10, last heard rh10 had not been tested windows 8. has changed, or change, or matter rh11 in future? the xp machines out of date , browser compatibility becoming issue. better off getting rh9? any information, suggestions, etc. can provide appreciated. regards, joe rh10 tested against beta version of windows 8 released before final version of windows 8 launched. result not officially supported far appear working ok. deal if have problem combo, there no official support. whether or not fixed during lifetime of rh10 adobe know , never release such information ahead of fix. as earlier versions, luck. you need consider compatibility of outputs ie10. webhelp section of snippets on site gives information fixes for rh9 , rh10. rh8 fix metatag detailed on site. see item 28 @