hello people, describe here few problems regarding website , hope of course help. now, first problem main page (home): there slideshow under menu, menu ends abruptly when exiting, when lay on slide show. (i guess it's because of slide show) think module interference change (alternative template maybe) second problem have distances of individual contributions, distances of sentences, separated heading, large, etc., different. (sometimes looks double parafraph , although have 1 paragraph set, looks normal) makes whole layout quite random , uncoordinated. hope here help. have not updated joomla 3.0 since afraid of site not work anymore. on alternative module tips , tips, can contribute improvement of website. mfg. thank much! here website: http://makross.de/index.php/de/ (a) issue dropdown menu , slideshow reviewed site , looks value of css attribute z-index contributing behavior. change value of z-index in following css entry available in file style.css located in direc...